When was R-410A banned?
As of January 2025, R-410A is not yet fully banned, but its use is being phased down due to environmental concerns, specifically its high global warming potential (GWP).
In the U.S., the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has taken steps to reduce the use of high-GWP refrigerants like R-410A through the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, which mandates a gradual phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including R-410A. The AIM Act, passed in December 2020, calls for a reduction in the production and consumption of HFCs by 85% by 2036. This means that while R-410A isn't banned immediately, its availability will decrease over time, and the industry will shift to refrigerants with lower GWP, such as R-32, R-454B, and other alternatives.
In the European Union, R-410A is also being phased out under the F-Gas Regulation. The regulation is part of the EU's broader effort to reduce emissions from refrigerants, and while R-410A is not banned outright, its use in new air conditioning and refrigeration systems is being restricted, with a focus on using low-GWP alternatives.
So, while R-410A isn't banned yet, its use is being heavily restricted, and it's expected that it will be gradually phased out in favor of more environmentally friendly options.
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